Asa have led all Experience transformation for du telecom in Dubai over the 4.5 years that she worked there as Head of Experience. She has led all transformational Experiences along with a UX and design team of 30+.Some of the experiences include, Omni channel experiences for retail, e-com, app, customer portals, personalization, website (1000 pages), SAAS (Blockchain as a service)
In order to improve our customer experience we knew we needed to reduce wait time in our retail shops, reduce calls and divert all customers online.
Asa led the the team in the creation of a proactive BOT designed to help customers at every touch point. The Bot offers proactive & relevant assistance with the things we know they need help with at the different parts of the journey.
The Bot went Live with 15 major use cases. All designed to take away our biggest pain points for both unidentified customers and identified customers & made a big impact on the TNPS.
Some known pain points needed to be addressed.
Our staff in our shops found it hard to get access to the latest updates, offers and information from the head quarter which resulted in inconsistent and not up to date help to our customers. To fix this we created a digital information portal for all our staff where they could find all the updated and relevant answers. We branded it and made sure they loved it. As we wanted to deflect our customers to digital, we took the same information and topics and added it under a branded customer portal. Here customer could search under 100’s of help articles and topics.
I knew our customers needed more. Having to search for a help topic somewhere else when you are stuck on an interaction is not good enough.
Looking at our TNPS results and touch point data I could see where our customers where struggling. I lead the team in the creation of a “human” help window following the customers through the journey with contextual help topics, all relating to where you are in the journey. The window collects the relevant help topics from our customer portal and presents it at the right time.
Going forward this will be a personalised conversation, synced up with any conversation that has already taken place over the phone or in the physical shop.